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Reach Higher Heights Ministry



 Reach Higher Heights Ministry is another level of the single parents’ ministry that was spearheaded by the Lord from 1990 until now 2020. In the beginning of the ministry, counseling single parents resonated in my spirit for months and months until I decided to share my desires to work in the Kingdom of God with my beloved ‘then’ Pastor of the Mount Airy Church Of God in Christ and ‘now’ the Internationally known Bishop/Pastor Ernest C. Morris Sr. of the Koinonia Jurisdiction. Presently the Pastor is Bishop J. Louis Felton.


                It was placed in my spirit to name the first level of the ministry -- Sacrificial Living Single Parent Ministry which was scriptural based from Romans 12:1,2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. This level of ministry was when the ministry was in its early stages of development. Much prayer, sacrificing and presenting ourselves to the Lord daily was mighty in our lives. During this time, we would assemble for encouragement from speakers, teaching from the leader, sharing experiences from one to another, prayer and devotions.


                  After observation and evaluating the ministry and praying to hear from the Lord on what He commissioned me to do; God clearly spoke to my spirit that the group had moved to another level. Such as, many of the parents were returning to school to get their degrees. Some of the parents were putting their households ‘in order’ for their children by getting married. During this time the children was given a platform to express their concerns they were experiencing among the societal burdens and joyful moments in their lives. This was such a powerful time when the Lord renamed the ministry to New Direction → a Ministry for Single Parents. Supported by the scripture Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. At that juncture, we would meet every 5th Sunday for fellowship and networking. Lots of food, laughter, sharing testimonies and struggles, getting to know one another and good teaching and so much more!!


                 To another degree of support for our Single Parents we are reaching higher heights in this year 2020. Yes, I have had my burdens to bear as the leader of this ministry. From losing my job, to scrambling to stay on top of my life circumstances. From family tragedies and sicknesses to Praising God for his love and faithfulness. From being withdrawn from friends to GOD’S elevation power. What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. According to Philippians 3:14 we are pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. As we seek what the Lord have for us. We are now in the chapter of ‘Reach Higher Heights’. To God be the Glory!!!! Missionary, Sylvia W. Carter M.Ed., ABA, BS, Christian Counselor

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